expat L'Élan

«Détachement» ou «contrat local» ? Comment optimiser le coût de la mobilité internationale, dans l’immédiat ou à long terme ?



Comment bien accompagner les salariés expatriés en France et leur famille en toute légalité ?



Assurance maladie, allocations familiales, chômage, retraite... Comment gérer la protection sociale des salariés expatriés en France ?



L'ÉLAN met à votre disposition l’ensemble des lois tant européennes que françaises qui concernent tous les volets de la mobilité internationale vers la France (droit des étrangers en France, droit du travail, droit de la protection sociale et volet fiscal).

L'actualité de l'impatriation

Our french immigration expert' label

Since 2007, L'Élan has been nominated for and awarded the “MAGELLAN QUALITY LABEL” for its "Immigration" services. This label firmly testifies to the satisfaction of the member businesses.

2007-magellan  2008-magellan  2009-magellan  2010-magellan  2011-magellan  2012-magellan  2013-magellan
2014-magellan  2015-magellan  2016 magellan 2017 magellan

What is it all about?
By awarding such labels, the Magellan Network’s aim is to offer its members (international businesses) a selection of service providers offering top quality services in the field of International Human Resources management (international mobility, talent management, compensation and benefits). Labels are awarded per business sector and per Club (International Mobility, Comp & Ben or Talent).

This distinction is awarded by the Magellan Network (a network of HR and international mobility professionals). By receiving this label, L'Elan is added to the list of service providers selected for the quality of their services and the high standard of service offered to its clients.

It’s a recognition of the services it offers supporting international mobility.

Procedure for awarding expert labels
Awarding an expert label is decided by the Steering and Development Committee following a satisfaction survey with members of the club and a telephone survey with three companies.

What L'Élan offers you...

Close attention to your needs to identify and implement your projects
References with French or foreign groups, very small or small/medium sized enterprises and foreign investors
Almost 20 years’ experience in international mobility
Tailored services taking into account legal and organisational aspects
Support in all administrative procedures from A to Z
A longstanding, dynamic, organised, international, bilingual and experienced team
Support from decision to arrival of future employee in France
Up-to-date expertise in our field so we can help you make the right decisions

Our references

Our clients have been putting their trust in us for nearly twenty years. Sometimes, it’s just for a short-term project but more often we work with them from year to year. We form a relationship with them, even a close bond.

So, we’re proud to include companies from across the board among our references, including industry – automotive or chemical – construction, IT and telecommunications, as well as research centres, banks and insurance companies, schools, NGOs, art and design companies, fashion, entertainment, catering and tourism, the healthcare profession and the sporting world.

We assist and advise a worldwide client base essentially comprising:
  • Directors of major groups and small-medium or very small enterprises
  • Compensation & Benefit Managers
  • International Mobility Managers
  • Payroll administrators
  • HR professionals
  • International project managers
  • Relocation firms
  • Accounting and tax firms
  • French or foreign nationals

Our business code

L'ÉLAN goes above and beyond to offer the best level of expertise to all our clients, including companies, specialised firms and expatriates in France. We are firmly committed to seven key principles in our work with you:
Respecting personal and corporate needs is the cornerstone of our working method. We won’t do anything or disclose any information without your prior consent. This is the very foundation of our reciprocal trust.

Our application of the French data protection act, the “loi informatique et libertés”, regarding the principles of data protection when collecting, processing and storing personal information complies with the recommendations of the CNIL (Data Protection Commission). No personal information is outsourced.

Exemplary regulation watch
Our knowledge and mastery of the legislation relating to foreign nationals, employment, taxation and social security are at the heart of our business and the added value we offer. We perform meticulous daily monitoring of such legislation and report back to you via brief updates which you’ll receive when working with us. They’ll fill you in on the essential details so you can apply the new procedures right away.

A real network within government offices
Over the years, L'ÉLAN has created a real network of links and contacts within the relevant government offices so we can process our clients’ requests quickly and efficiently. A necessary part of all procedures related to work and residency permits, government offices are also a source of reliable knowledge. The information and good practices used by L'ÉLAN are regularly validated by these organisations themselves.

Demanding standards given the legal and personal responsibilities involved
Successful mobility projects aren’t just about complying with the legal obligations. We also have to take the personal dimension into account so the expatriate or inpatriate, but also the host or originating company, feel confident during their experience.

Practical support to ensure compliance with the law
Rapidly changing immigration legislation, countless regulations and legal precedents create a complex legislative landscape where it’s sometimes difficult to identify the right procedures. Up to speed with the current legislative framework, our objective is to offer you concrete support in the applicable procedures and give you the advice and information you really need.

A complete service
Impatriation or expatriation can be a long process, with a whole series of stages you have to be able to identify and respect. They can be particularly long depending on the type of mobility. We offer you useful advice and informed support to ensure a smooth integration into the host country, and return to your country of origin, with the help of our partners.

With our fixed-price services, there aren’t any nasty surprises. Just ask and we’ll send you a price based on your request.

Here’s a sample of our prices for certain standard services for 2017 which vary according their complexity:
  • Feasibility study – average €90 excluding tax
  • Work permit/Visa – introduction or change of status/employer
    • Short stay (less than three months) – average €450 excluding tax
    • Long stay (more than three months) – average €1,600 excluding tax
  • Residence permit
    • Renewal – average €600 excluding tax
  • Posted worker for an international service
    • Delegation of a Legal Representative in France – average €1,000 excluding tax
  • Social security and payslips
    • CPAM – Application for carte vitale – average €500 excluding tax
    • “Understanding French Public Health Care” guide - €75 excluding tax
Many other services are offered for employees coming to France. Prices can be calculated on a fixed-price basis, per hour or per day or include an “end-to-end” service.

L’ÉLAN will send out a quote on request detailing the following points:
– Description of service
– Price of service(s) excluding tax
– Discounts, where applicable
– Terms of payment
– Validity of quote

Prices of services are as detailed in the quotes or contracts, accepted by the client. They are expressed in Euros and subject to VAT. The VAT rate and taxes applicable are as per the French legislation applicable on the date the contract is signed.

Invoices will be issued when the application has been submitted to the relevant government office or when the service required is delivered.

L’ÉLAN undertakes to perform its services in accordance with standard practices set out in the terms and conditions of the agreement, in compliance with the applicable legislation and regulations.

L’ÉLAN certifies it holds a professional liability policy covering its professional activities.

However, our liability cannot be sought in the following cases:
– an error caused by lack of information or incorrect information provided by the client;
– a delay caused by the client which makes it impossible to adhere to the times agreed.

Our approach

Dealing with the issues related to international mobility to France, immigration and social security requires strict attention to detail as well as flexibility. Our approach is based on concrete and rapid assistance for companies and expatriates.

Providing speedy information.
We want to give our clients and visitors practical, up-to-date information in line with their needs. We write articles on current themes related to international mobility and our clients automatically receive brief updates on new legislation and procedures.

Taking diversity into account.
Working abroad requires the implementation of many different practices and the application of different laws relating to immigration, employment, social security and taxation. We endeavour to keep you abreast of the actual situation by providing studies and comparative tables.

Customising each service.
Cases of international mobility (inpatriation or expatriation) differ from one business to another. We provide customised and specialised services and advice and, if you want, we can oversee the whole process for each inpatriate employee from the initial idea, through set-up, to the departure for the next expatriation.

Promoting ethical mobility.
Host companies, clients and inpatriates are bound by rights, duties and responsibilities laid down by French national legislation. Having detailed knowledge of and complying with them helps to ensure the success of all mobility projects. We hope and trust that our best practice approach will give you all the practical help you need.