Social security

L'ÉLAN - Social security expert
French Social Security including Public Health Care, Family Allowances, Unemployment, Retirement scheme for expatriates working in France?

Our firm examines, advises on and establishes entitlements in terms of health insurance, family benefits, unemployment and pensions in cases of expatriation or assignments

Who we help
  • European nationals
  • Nationals of third countries with which France has signed a bilateral agreement on social security
  • Nationals of third countries with which France has not signed a bilateral agreement on social security

How we work together

The issue of social security for foreign nationals coming to France to work doesn’t just concern the workers themselves but quite often their families too. Implementing the whole battery of legal requirements is complex and sometimes unclear, and includes:
  • Registering the employee with the French organisations for health insurance, family benefits, employment office, pensions and so on
  • Establishing any entitlement to unemployment benefits for an employee laid off in France
  • Assisting the employee in the process of establishing periods of work and validating contribution periods for all the basic schemes in France and abroad

The help we provide foreign employers from a country with which France has not signed a bilateral agreement on social security includes:
  • Explaining the French system and the legal obligations
  • Registering foreign businesses who do not have a permanent base in France with the Bas-Rhin social security office
  • Paying French social security contributions
  • Preparing a payslip according to French standards:
    • For employees assigned to provide a specific service, for the foreign employer, or in cases of intra-group mobility.
    • For employees under French law.

“Ensuring an impatriate fulfils all the legal requirements has never been so easy.”


“Thank you so much for your help. We’ve finally got our carte vitale. What a headache! I’d sent off the application forms for my family and myself three times and hadn’t got anywhere. You spotted the fact that my name hadn’t been properly translated on my birth certificate and that sorted everything out. I should have asked you to take care of it from the start.”
Debbie, Audit Manager of a French Group